Thursday, 17 July 2014

Barnardos Rebranding Logo

This is my Rebranding Logo for the Barnardos children's charity.

I chose these colours to reflect on what the charity truly wants to achieve.

Red - This depicts the love aspect of the charity, the fact that the charity is one that loves all children no matter who they are.

Green - The natural instinct to protect the children the charity loves, it is also their primary colour and original to the old branding of the charity.

White - This represents that the charities intentions are pure and one to turn to for the corrupt and dark hearted. It is also a sign of peace and prosperity for children, as well as no bad background.

As I added the colours I also strengthened the outlines so that the logo was not weakened or unnoticeable among the crowds, it needed strengthening for this purpose.

Below are stages of development for the logo's creation process.